LandShark -- Powered By TriMin
Daily user  

What records can I access? In Marathon County, the index of real estate documents recorded beginning 1/01/1990 and the document images since  1853  are available.

What equipment do I need? For technical requirements, click here.

What are the fees? The tract information is available at no cost.You must set up an escrow account and pay the statutory fee of $2 for the first page and $1 for each additional page of a document. User fees pay for system maintenance and software support.

Are there disclaimers I should read? Yes, Click Disclaimer.

How do I set up my search? As with any system, you will need to determine the best strategy for finding your information. For instructions on how to search using LandShark, refer to the LandShark Basics manual located in the InfoBox on our Log In page.

How do I sign up for Daily LandShark? If you feel Daily LandShark would be the best option for you, please contace our office via email or call our office during our regular hours of Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at (715) 261-1470  We would be happy to discuss your options and help you choose the right usage for your situation. 

Access to, and use of, this web service is subject to the terms and conditions of the Disclaimer and all applicable laws and regulations, including laws and regulations governing copyrights and trademarks..


      Use our Credit Card processing application for downloading document images.

                                             To try please register below!   
Note:  The fee for using a credit card will be $4.00. 

If you are currently enrolled in LandShark, and are having problems signing into LandShark, click Here to send notice via email. You will receive a response via email with instructions for signing in.


*The CSM Map Number has been added as a grantor to all CSMs to allow for easy searching.  An example of the search would be:  CSM  18457

Screen Tips:

To change the size of the info box press CTRL + or -

*All recorded documents from         forward are available by Document Number and by Volume and Page.  To see current grantor/grantee and tract information, please reference our Notable Dates.



Please Log In to LandShark to access the search functions. If you do not have an account, click here to Register.

Version: 4.3.39